Social Walkabout: Scavenger Hunt

Olney Market Place Olney Market Place, Olney, United Kingdom

One hour, one camera phone (each), ten items. Meet in The Market Place at 7pm to pick up your list of items, head out around the town to take your photos and meet in The Swan at 8.30pm to catch up and share images. Further details to follow....  


Social Walkabout: Harold Country Park

Harrold Country Park Carlton Road, Harrold, United Kingdom

A social catch up and walkabout around Harold Country Park. More details to follow.  


Social Walkabout: Woodland Walk

Olney Market Place Olney Market Place, Olney, United Kingdom

In order to practice want we learnt from Simon last week, we'll take a walk around a local wooded area. More details to follow. Meet on The Market Place to share cars.  


SOCIAL: Scavenger Hunt

Meet over at Emberton Village for a mobile phone based, ten image, scavenger hunt and visit to the Church Tower. Meet in The Bell & Bear after for a show and tell. 7pm start. We also have the next 30 days to exhibit our best print photos, so if anyone is available earlier, please come along to help construct the […]

WALKABOUT: Kathy Brown’s Garden & Stevington Windmill

Stevington Park Road, Stevington, United Kingdom

Meet in Stevington. For those that enjoy flower photography, Kathy Brown's Garden is a delight. There is a £10 entrance fee. For those less inclined to flora, the windmill in Stevington is another option. Either way, we will meet up at The Royal George later to share what we have taken. Kempston club are likely to join us for this […]
