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Overall Winner of our June 24 competition
Home Alone by John Hughes
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Join Us

We are a friendly group of mixed abilities. If you love taking photos, whether on your phone or camera, we'd love you t join us.


We meet twice a month for a mixture of social gatherings, practical sessions, competitions, talks and walkabouts.


Take a look at what we do. Here you'll find a selection of competition and project galleries from many of our members.

Project 25


Join us in our Project 25 adventure during 2025

12 creative themes
12 composotional themes
12 technical themes

Take photos each month that match one or more of the themes. Post just one a month, or one every week, or a monthly portofolio – the choice is yours. This is a personal project, but if you do share to your social channels please try and tag Olney Camera Club.

September 14th saw members of the public taking part in a Photo Challenge, as part of the WordFest event. Here are some of our favourite images from the challenge. Find out more here.